Category Archives: News

Congratulations Tim Barr

Congrats to Tim Barr for a successful Shodan Shinsa, and on behalf of both dojos I’d like to welcome our newest Shodan. Mad props should go out to Khai Phan Sensei as well for helping out as Uke.

OsuTim Shodan (1 of 1)

Victoria Kenshu – Nov 10th

Timing of events:
10:30 Start local class, including juniors
11:15 Visitors arrive, joint senior / junior class
12:00 Juniors bow out, kenshu training
12:45 Lunch break
14:00 Afternoon session, black and brown belts only
16:00 Finish
The theme of the kenshu is jiyuwaza. I’m interpreting this to mean learning how to do better jiyuwaza, not a continuous all-day practice.
We will cater a simple lunch, e.g. DIY sandwiches.
Event is free of charge.

Watanabe Clinic 2013

WatanabeClinic 2013 website


We would like to thank Watanabe Shihan for coming all the way from Japan to impart his many years of Aikido wisdom (50 years). We had a lot of fun, learned many new things, and have ingrained his belief that we must always visualize the word COMPASSION  whenever we practice our Aikido. Thanks to all those who turned out, especially Jim Kightly Sensei and the Island Aikido club. Till the next Gasshuku.


Shioda Yasuhisa Gassuku

We had a good time this past Sunday during Shioda Sensei’s Gasshuku. Just wanted to thank everyone who came out, especially Fred Haynes Shihan, Jim Kightly Sensei and the rest of the Victoria crew. Though I didn’t train, I felt the energy and it was intense. Also just want to give a quick thanks to Christopher Taylor for showing up afterwards to regale us with some nifty magic tricks…which didn’t work on Andrew McBride Sensei. Booo Sensei. lol


YasuhisaShioda2013 (69 of 76)

Chris Kearney's Goodbye

So our dear friend and fellow Aikidoka is saying goodbye to us and moving to Ontario. I know, I know, why would anyone do such a thing. Well, it’s because of a girl and a very nice one at that so It’s all perfectly understandable. Hell, far greater acts have been noted in legend so moving across the country should be no surprise….but for me, Ontario is pushing it just a weee bit.

I kid of course. Good luck Chris on your new adventures and let’s hope we meet again on the Mats

Cheers and…


photo Chris' Goodbye

SIFU Taylor

image3951We had an incredible first class with Sifu Christopher Taylor this last Tuesday. Truly eye opening to how one can apply their own martial art understanding differently by seeing it from the perspective of another discipline. Sifu Taylor will be a regular instructor of Gung Fu and Arnis every second Tues of the month.

