1 | Ichi | 11 | Juichi | 21 | Nijuichi |
2 | Ni | 12 | Juni | 22 | Nijuni |
3 | San | 13 | Jusan | 23 | Nijusan |
4 | Shi or Yon | 14 | Juyon or Jushi | 24 | Nijuyon |
5 | Go | 15 | Jugo | 30 | Sanju |
6 | Roku | 16 | Juroku | 80 | Hachiju |
7 | Shichi or Nana | 17 | Junana or Jushichi | 100 | Hyaku |
8 | Hachi | 18 | Juhachi | 145 | Hyaku Yonjugo |
9 | Kyuu or Ku | 19 | Juku | 180 | Hyaku Hachiju |
10 | Ju | 20 | Niju | 255 | Nihyaku Gojugo |
AI HANMI | Shite and uke in same stance. Both are in right side kamae (MIGI AI HANMI) or both in left side kamae (HIDARI AI HANMI). See also GYAKU HANMI |
AIKIDO | “The Way of Harmony” |
AIKIDOKA | practitioner of Aikido. |
ANZA | Cross-leg sitting position |
ARIGATO | Thank you (present, less polite) |
ARIGATO GOZAIMASHITA | Thank you (polite, for something past) |
ARIGATO GOZAIMASU | Thank you (polite, for something past or present) |
ATEMI / ATE | Strike; blow |
AYA | Cross |
AYA MOCHI | Cross-wrist grab |
BOKKEN/BOKUTO | Wooden replica of the samurai sword. |
BUKI WAZA | Weapons technique |
BUDO | The way of war/battle. |
BUSHIDO | Way of the warrior |
CHUDAN | Middle. See also GEDAN and JODAN. |
CHU-SHIN RYOKU | The ‘center power’, refers to the strength required to maintain your body’s center line straight. |
DO | Way |
DO | Degrees (of a circle). ie: Hiyaku Hachiju DO Kaiten |
DOGI | Uniform worn when studying an art or way |
DOJO | Hall used for martial arts training |
DOMO | Thanks |
DOMO ARIGATO GOZAIMASHITA | Thank you very much (for something past) |
DOMO ARIGATO GOZAIMASU | Thank you very much (for something past or present) |
DOSA | Movement |
ERI | Collar; lapel; neck; neckband. As in “eri mochi”, to grab the collar at the back of the neck. |
FUMIKOMI | Cross Step, stepping into |
GANMENZUKI | Face thrust |
GASSHUKU | Training camp |
GEDAN | Low. See also CHUDAN and JODAN. |
GIRI (or KIRI) | Cut |
GOZAIMASU | to be (polite)/to exist/polite copula |
GYAKU HANMI | Shite and uke in mirror image stance. Shite is in right side kamae, uke is in left side (MIGI GYAKU HANMI), or Shite is in left side kamae, uke is in right side kamae (HIDARI GYAKU HANMI). See also AI HANMI |
HAI | Yes |
HAJIME | Begin |
HAKAMA | A divided pant like skirt worn by instructors |
HANMI | Ready position with one leg bent in front and other extended behind. See also KAMAE. |
HANMI HANDACHI | Shite sitting, Uke standing |
HAPO | All sides |
HAPOGIRI | Eight Direction Cut |
HENKO | Change |
HIDARI | Left |
HIJI | Elbow |
HIJIATE NAGE | Hitting Elbow Throw |
HIRIKI NO YOSEI | Elbow power |
HIYAKU UKEMI | Jumping breakfall |
HO | Method (as in kokyu ho, or shikko ho) |
HOJO DOSA | Movement initiating an ushiro waza technique. From ai hanmi kamae, uke shuffles in with a shomenuchi. Shite blocks the strike and delivers a shomentsuki. Uke brings his and shite’s hand down to block the punch. |
HONBU / HOMBU | Headquarters |
ICHI | The number one. Note, as indicated in the pronunciation guide, this word is pronounced “ee-chee” or similarly to the English word “each” rather than the words “itchy” or “itch”. |
IIE | No (pronounced ee-eh) |
IKKAJO | First control |
IRIMI | Entering |
JIYU WAZA | Continuation / Freestyle techniques. “Students practicing jiyu waza should not only attempt to continuously throw uke with many techniques, but to also endeavour to use proper technique, and to do so naturally.” |
JO | Wooden staff, measuring on average 4 feet in length |
JODAN | High. See also CHUDAN and GEDAN. |
JUJINAGE | Arm cross throw |
KAITEN | Rotation; revolution; pivot | ||
KAKARI GEIKO | “Round robin” style training | ||
KAMAE | Basic stance | ||
KANREN | Relation; connection; relevance | ||
KATA | Shoulder | ||
KATANA | Traditional moderately curved single-edged Japanese sword. Also commonly known as the “samurai sword”. It is 2 shaku (606mm / 23.9 in.) or more in length. | ||
KATATE | One hand | ||
KEN | Sword | ||
KENSHU | Training (esp. in-service); induction course | ||
KIOTSUKE | Stand up straight | ||
KIHON DOSA | Basic movement | ||
KIHON DOSA RENZOKU | Continuing or United basic movement | ||
KIHON DOSA TO KANREN WAZA | Basic Movement and Related Techniques | ||
KOHO | Backward, behind, in the rear, in back | ||
KOHO KAITEN UKEMI | Backward roll | ||
KOHO UKEMI | Backward breakfall | ||
KOKYU RYOKU | Breath Power | ||
KONBANWA | Good morning | ||
KONICHIWA | Good afternoon | ||
KOTE | Wrist; forearm; | ||
KOTEGAESHI | Reverse hand throw | ||
KOTAI | Change | ||
MAAI | Appropriate distance. |
MIGI | Right |
MOCHI | Grasp |
MOKUSO | Meditation; silent contemplation. Close your eyes and clear your mind in preperation for Aikido training. |
MUNE | Chest |
NAGE | Throw |
NI | Particle indicates location of a person, thing, short-term action, etc (ie: sensei ni rei); The number two (2). |
NIKAJO | Second control |
NO | Particle placed between nouns, indicates the second noun belongs to the first |
OBI | Belt |
OHAYOU GOZAIMASU | Good morning |
ONAJIKU | Change stance to other side |
OSAE | Pin or control |
OSU | #1 A strong, positive budo salutation indicating mutual respect#2 Greeting used between close male friends; Hi!; yes sir!; yo!
#3 A concatenation of the term Ohayo gozaimasu or O(hayo gozaima)su. |
OTAGAI NI REI | Bow to each other |
OYO | Application; put to practical use; |
OYOWAZA | Practicle application of technique. Advanced techniques. |
REI | Bow |
RENZOKU | Continuation |
RYOKU | Strength; power |
RYOHIJI | Both elbows |
RYOHIJI MOCHI | Both elbows grasp |
RYOTE | With both hands |
RYOTE MOCHI | Both wrists grasp |
SANKAJO | Third control |
SAYONARA | Goodbye |
SEIRETSU | Line up |
SEIZA | Kneeling position |
SEMPAI | Senior student |
SENSEI | Teacher |
SENSEI NI REI | Bow to teacher |
SHICHI | The number four. This word is pronounced “she-chee”. |
SHIHOU | All direction |
SHIKKOU | Knee walking |
SHIME | Lock; to squeeze, choke; |
SHITE | The partner who executes an Aikido technique |
SHITE, UKE KOTAI | Shite and uke change (roles) |
SHOMEN | Front |
SHOMEN NI REI | Bow to front |
SHOMENUCHI | Front strike (to the forehead) |
SHOMENTSUKI | Body punch |
SHU-CHU RYOKU | Concentrated power |
SHUMATSU | An end; a close; |
SHUMATSU DOSA | After class excercise |
SOKUMEN | Side; flank; |
SOTAI DOSA | Movement with partner |
SURIASHI | Sliding feet |
SUWARI WAZA | Kneeling technique |
TACHIAGARU | Stand up |
TACHI WAZA | Standing technique |
TAI NO HENKO | Body change |
TANTO | Japanese short sword, commonly referred to as knife or dagger. |
TEGATANA | Hand used like a sword in striking; “Hand blade”, “Hand sword” |
TENCHI | Heaven and earth; the universe; nature; top and bottom; realm; sphere; world |
TENCHINAGE | Heaven and earth throw |
TENKAI | Pivot; revolution; rotation |
TENKAN | Turning movement, opposite of irimi |
TO |
Pronounced like the english word “toe”.
#1 If; When;
#2 “And”, as in:
Hiriki No Yosei Ichi to Ni
Elbow Power 1 and 2 #3 With;
TSUKI (or ZUKI) | A thrust; a lunge; a stab |
UCHI | Strike |
UDE | Arm |
UDEGARAMI | Arm lock |
UKE | The partner who receives a technique. The word UKE is a shortened form of the word UKETE. |
UKEMI | Breakfall |
USHIRO WAZA | Behind technique |
WAKIZASHI | Japanese short sword. Similar in appearance to the Katana, it measures between 30 and 60 cm (12 and 24 in) in length. It was traditionally worn together with the Katana and was the official sign that the wearer was a samurai. |
WAZA | Technique |
YAME | Stop |
YOI | #1 Defined as a noun meaning “Implied meaning”#2 (Adj) Good; nice; pleasant; fine; excellent; ok
#3 Other aikido glossaries define as a command to “Be ready”, “Get ready” or “Prepare” |
YOKOMEN UCHI | Side strike |
YONKAJO | Fourth control |
YUBI | Finger |
YUDANSHA | Dan grade holder (black belt) |
ZANSHIN | “Remaining attentive” – focus, concentration and the relationship between shite and uke are maintained at the end of a technique |
ZENPO | Forward; frontward; |
ZENPO KAITEN UKEMI | Forward breakfall |
ZUKI (or TSUKI) | A thrust; a lunge; a stab |