Keith Taylor Shihan
8th Degree Blackbelt
Head Instructor
Born in Birmingham, England, Taylor Sensei (8th dan Shihan) began Martial Arts training at the age of 18. Graduated from university in 1980 with an Engineering degree, went on to start his own successful structural engineering firm in 1997. During the preceding years through diligent and intensive training, Taylor Sensei was awarded senior ranking in several Martial Arts, including Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Arnis, and Kickboxing. Taylor Sensei’s main love was Hapkido with its circular movements, here he attained the rank of fifth dan. While in Toronto in 1984, Keith Sensei was looking for something different and found a more inclusive system. A system better suited towards harmony and spirit, one that encompassed a clear regiment of movement and direction; Yoshinkan Aikido. Taylor Sensei’s training in Aikido has gone through many phases, greatly influence by several world renowned teachers, the most current being Yasuhisa Shioda